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Residents Create Natural Spaces

Trees and native prairies are very important part of our landscape. They provide food and habitat for wildlife and help to improve water quality.

Residents of Scott County see the benefits of creating natural areas on their properties, and many have taken action to plant trees, shrubs, and native plants. This was made evident at the recent Scott Soil and Water Conservation District’s Tree and Native Seed Sale pick-up.

This year residents purchased over 31,000 tree and shrub seedlings and over 150 native seed mixes through the Scott SWCD sale.

Each tree, shrub, and native prairie that is planted in Scott County plays a role in conserving soil and water by holding soil in place and allowing storm water to seep into the ground. By creating natural areas on your property, you too can do your part for conserving our natural resources.

If you are interested in receiving a reminder about ordering tree seedlings or native seeds mixes for next year, visit to sign up for email updates. Orders for 2019 can be placed starting this October.

Tree seedlings sheltered by tree protectors

planted this spring create a riparian buffer.

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