Bacteria is a water quality pollutant of increasing concern in Scott County.
Bacteria is an additional pollutant impacting Scott County waters. The sources of E. coli are thought to originate from improperly managed livestock waste (feedlots and manure spreading), failing septic systems, untreated urban stormwater, and wildlife.
In Scott County multiple streams do not meet Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s water quality standard for bacteria (E. coli) including Big Possum Creek, Credit River, Eagle Creek, Porter Creek, Raven Stream, Robert Creek, Sand Creek, and Brewery Creek.
Eagle Creek is among the many streams in Scott County that does not meet the water quality standard for bacteria.
What Can You Do To Help?
Make sure your septic system is functioning properly.
If you septic system is failing it could be contaminating ground water or a nearby lake or stream. More information on septic system inspections and compliance can be found here.
Pick up after pets.
Bacteria from animal waste, including E. coli, are a growing water quality concern and pet waste is a large contributor. Pet waste does not just disappear. When left on the lawn, rain water will break it apart and wash it into a local waterbody. Even if you don’t live near a lake or stream, the waste will make its way into our waterbodies through stormdrains. To help combat bacteria pollution, collect pet waste in plastic bags and place it in the trash.
Additional Bacteria Resources