We're teaming up with the Le Sueur Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to host a multi-county workshop on all things soil health.
If you are interested in starting your soil health journey or are already on the path, this workshop will provide valuable information for your operation. Cost share opportunities for Scott and Le Sueur County will also be discussed.
Wednesday, February 26
10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Le Center American Legion
The workshop is an opportunity to learn from beginners and seasoned soil health professionals on the different techniques, aspects, and strategies to building a sustainable agriculture operation.
Travis & Terry Hamilton: Southern MN farmers & aerial applicators with years of soil health and cover crop experience. Owners of Midwest Ag Air, Travis and Terry have flown on and managed their fair share of cover crops as both a business and a farming operation. They will share their knowledge and experience with making in-season decisions to manage cover crops and adjustments that can be useful when incorporating soil health practices.
David Voigt: Farmer from Le Center, MN in his first year of incorporating cover crops on his farm. He will be sharing information on how he gathered data, collaborated with soil health mentors, and how he accomplished establishing his first cover crop planting in the fall of 2024.
Jeff Schultz: Farm Business Management instructor at South Central College in Faribault. He will share insights on the Return-on-Investment for soil health and other farming practices.
Justin and Robert Goettl: Farmers from Le Center, MN sharing their experiences with using biologicals for over five years. They will discuss local data from their on-the-farm trials and explain the basics of biologicals.
RSVP by February 20th to reserve lunch.
Free technical assistance is always available to help implement soil health practices. Financial assistance for materials and installation may also be available!
The workshop is free, but registration is requested. Register on the LeSueur SWCD's registration page or by calling Kourtney Spitzack at the Le Sueur SWCD office at 507-419-0365.
